Drivers seat adjustments

Traction Owner’s Club Forums Technical Bodywork & interior Drivers seat adjustments

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  • #22613
    Non Member

      hi all,

      i am new to the forum and asking if anybody has experience in moving back the drivers seat on a 1953 11B

      i am er a ‘big chap’ and find the steering wheel is sticking where it shouldn’t, luckily I have long legs so reaching the pedals should not be a problem

      regards, Bill


        Hi Bill

        Do you want to modify it to move the seat back further than the adjustment will allow?

        I imagine you would have to extend the front of the tube frame of the seat itself so it continued to sit on the rollers, or you’d have to fabricate some metalwork to move the brackets with the rollers backwards. Both sound a bit complicated but all things are possible. I know of one car in the UK that has Rover 2000 seats.


        David Faulkner

          There is a guide either on the forum or in a back issue of Floating Power somewhere, just can’t find it atm, hopefully someone else can point you in the right direction soon.


            Not much help but I can confirm there is nothing on the technical disc which covers back issues of FP up to and including Vol 36.


            David Faulkner

              Found it! it’s not on the TOC site but online here:

              Basically you make a bracket to move the rear mounting point back looking at the drawing


                Excellent –

                Looking forward to seeing Bill in the Mountains of Wales in June – hopefully without the groove in his stomach!


                Non Member

                  Thanks David for ‘bloodhounding’ this information out, I have downloaded the engineering sketch and will be enquiring at my local fabricators to have the adjustments made

                  hopefull groove free for June

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