Pilote rims (rather tatty) for sale

Traction Owner’s Club Forums Forum Archive Traction Owners Club Forum For Sale/Swap Shop Pilote rims (rather tatty) for sale

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      Don’t know if I’m allowed to put this on here, but will delete when they are gone. Removed a set of ‘Pilote’ rims from my Slough Light 15.
      The Pilotes are taking up space in the garage, so they need to (hopefully) find a new home. Have no idea what they are worth, so put an optimistic start price down at £75!
      Here’s the link:http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/-/321865106977?ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:GB:1123


        I would have had them in a heart beat but not planning on coming over to the UK this year.

        A set like that would go for near on €300 to €400 on Le Bon Coin in France.



          Ian, I can hold onto them for you.
          I also visit Paris, Lyon, Toulouse and Nice on a regular basis, but that would mean bringing them one at a time (what a headache that would be)!
          As I say, they are tatty, but may scrub up reasonably well. Probably no better or worse than the average offerings at Le Bon Coin!

          Best, Norman


            @NormanAnderson wrote:

            Don’t know if I’m allowed to put this on here,

            As this is a “closed” forum you can sell whatever you have that is Citroen/Traction related.

            You have a captive audience of 143 members…..

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