Bonnet Hinge replacement

Traction Owner’s Club Forums Technical Bodywork & interior Bonnet Hinge replacement

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  • #22678
    Non Member

      Any pitfalls a Novice should look out for when replacing the full length external hinge?

      in addition there was a new rear view mirror left in the glovebox when I received the car, but lacking the small male to female angle piece that fits into the windscreen opening housing, are these available to buy anywhere?

      regards Bill



        Remove the bonnet and place on a flat surface. If working alone disconnect the stays from the rear of the bonnet leaves, undo the two hinge fixing plates then fold the two halves together to one side with a piece of thick cloth between the leaves to prevent damage. You can then lift it off single handedly.

        There are (should be?) two end stops. one each end of the hinge, to centralise and keep the bonnet halves correctly positioned.  If your bonnet currently fits well make a note of their positions then remove them.  With the bonnet opened out on a flat surface withdraw the hinge either way.  If it is bent or badly corroded it may stick so you may need extra hands..

        Grease the new one before fitting it and replace the end stops and when putting it back I suggest cloth over the top of the grill and scuttle so you can relocate it without risking damage.



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