Boot lid seal

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  • #26462
    Norman Anderson

      Time to fit the rubber weather seal to the boot lid.

      Any ideas for the best fixing method? I see Franssen sell metal clips, which presumably were the original method. Are they any good? Or is glue better? Thanks as ever for the advice

      PS In a similar subject – fitting the rubber strip between wings and body. To get the best, neatest result- presume it’s best to bond the strip to the wing before offering up the whole assembly to the body? Any tips greatly appreciated!

      David Faulkner

        Small or Big boot Norman (I forget) metal clips are used on Big Boot seals and work fine (no idea on small boot), top foam drip strip on the body is glued in place.

        I simply put the wings on my car loosely and ‘slotted’ the rubber strip at the bolts and pushed it in between the wing and body before tightening the bolts.


          Confirm David’s advice … clips for a big boot and contact adhesive for a small boot.

          I also agree wing piping should be “loose” trapped only by the bodywork , although I personally push the bolts through holes in the rubber rather than slot it in afterwards.



          Norman Anderson

            That’s good advice thank you.

            The spare wheel lives inside the boot, so I guess that makes it a big boot. I’ll get the clips from a Franssen.

            I didn’t know there was a drip strip on the body I’ll have another to look at the parts manual.

            Thanks to your good advice, it’s no longer a pile of filthy rust – it’s almost ready for a quick test drive:


            David Faulkner

              Mine has 12 clips Norman holding the rubber ‘seal’ running around both sides and the lower edge of the boot ‘lid’ (cut out at the lock)

              The top is sealed with a foam strip glued to the body, trimmed at each end where it meets the lid seal when it’s closed.

              Not the best picture but you will get the idea from it


              David Faulkner

                Hmm can’t edit the post Norman but Fransens have the seal and Chris at TOC spares has them all listed F7, F8 & F20

                Norman Anderson

                  David, that now makes perfect sense (I had the seal on the top part of the boot!).

                  Thank you so much. I’ll get it ordered in from Franssen.

                  Larry Lewis

                    The body-mounted big-boot lid seal- on my car its a square in profile. Shouldn’t it have a channel to guide water away from the interior when the lid is open? I installed mine many years ago and its never seemed right.

                    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Larry Lewis.
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