Drive shaft offside die

Traction Owner’s Club Forums Technical Gearbox & drive shafts Drive shaft offside die

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  • #29806
    Alain Sauvage

      Does anyone have a 26M 1.50 left hand split die I can borrow. There was lateral drum movement so removed the axel nut.  The axel nut was incredibly stiff to remove and the thread is ballooned at the margins. My engineer friend suggested if a split die will fit on the good thread attempt to run it out.

      Alain Sauvage

        Sorted, obtained a split die 26M  left hand thread from Tracy Tools Ltd Torquay, a local heavy engineer Sam Hills who also made MR.3457/11 previously and measured the clutch toggle adjustment. He used some skill and tricks to resolve it in 20 minutes, new nut runs on fluently, on to the next stage.

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