jambonneau to hull fitment

Traction Owner’s Club Forums Technical Bodywork & interior jambonneau to hull fitment

  • This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Roger Grix.
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  • #26041
    Norman Anderson

      Hi Traction experts,

      Electrics just about done. Now trying to close up the front bodywork around the engine. Is there a rubber between the jambonneau and hull? It just seems strange to bolt it straight on – metal to metal?

      Many thanks, Norman

      Larry Lewis

        When you say jambonneau, what exactly are you referring to? The jambonneau normally refers to the body, due to it’s ham-like shape where it is alongside the engine and is integral with  the hull.

        Norman Anderson

          Sorry Larry, my mistake. Thought the panels were called jambonneau!

          It’s the two flat panels (image below)- bolted onto the hull with three 8mm bolts on each side. Should there be a protective strip between these panels and the jambonneau?

          Wing sideplate

          Larry Lewis

            I don’t think there was any thing in between originally,  but a piece of rubber in between those and the actual jambonneau couldn’t hurt. John Gillard calls that bit that you show the “flitches.”

            Norman Anderson

              Ah, that’s it – flitches! Thank you.

              Once I have the ‘flitches’ fitted, I will have to fathom out how to hook up the grille, and the beading on the top of the grille and on the top of the car where the bonnet meets the car body. Working from Google images is tricky.

              Larry Lewis

                Where the bonnet meets the body is a woven web strip that is screwed to the body. On the top of the grille is a similar item (narrower) that is either screwed or riveted to the grille. Both are or were available from Jose Franssen.

                Roger Grix

                  I like John Gillard’s choice of “flitch” which in dialect (East Anglian I think) is a side of bacon. appropriately mounted on the jambonneau (ham).

                  (See Dunmow Flitch).

                  The UK parts list calls it the “wing valance” and the French parts list refers to it is “joue d’aile” – the wing cheek.

                  When fitting the sealing strip on the bulkhead, it won’t do any harm to put a bit of sealant on the screw holes.

                  Norman Anderson

                    Thanks for your help with this. We move on to fitting the grille.

                    I presume it’s attached to the ‘flitches’ and the radiator. I’ve done a trawl through parts diagrams and the web. I have found this image, but don’t have the brackets or a part number. If I can get these brackets from Chris or another source, where do the go?!


                    Roger Grix

                      The bottom hole on the grille connects to the flitch.



                      Roger Grix

                        Hi Norman,

                        my messages do not seem to be getting through. I will try again later.


                        Roger Grix


                          Roger Grix


                            Roger Grix

                              Hi Norman,

                              I am obviously doing something wrong.

                              Here is the text to go with the pictures.

                              The top screw is countersunk.

                              The bottom hole in the grille bolts to the flitch.

                              The curved bracket is also the latch for the front bonnet catch.

                              NB if your radiator is original UK, the captive bolts will be BSF

                              Part numbers are: offset bracket – 329607 for 7 and 11L; 329608 for 11

                              Curved bracket 298305 although I don’t think they will help much.

                              There must be some brackets out there – perhaps a request in the parts wanted would get you some. You could try John Gillard.

                              If all else fails, they would not be difficult to make.

                              I hope this helps.


                              Norman Anderson


                                Thank you. Those images and the text are really, really useful!

                                John Gillard has the brackets, and will mail some out to me.

                                It looks like the sealing strip from the front mudguard is a close fit with the front grille? Which brings me to the question – can I fit the grille now, and the mudguards at a later stage? (want to fit the mudguards at the very end, as they take up so much space – also don’t want them getting scuffed)!

                                Thanks again, Norman

                                Roger Grix

                                  Hi Norman,

                                  Glad to help.

                                  I guess you can fit the grille now and the wings later. See my car during assembly.




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