Mirror Brackets

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  • #27841
    Nigel Watling

      Does anyone know if the mirror brackets that Mike Bigland used to produce and sell are still available anywhere, email just bounce’s back from old post address


        Alain Sauvage

          You might try Mike on 07812 023896

          Nigel Watling

            I have been in contact with Mike and he tells me to make these viable he makes the brackets in batches of twenty,  but is hoping to get to at least 10 orders (60 sets made to Date).

            He advises if we send him our email address and details to 07812023896 he would then advise if/when he starts another batch.

            He reports he provisionally has orders for 8, so I’ll be adding my order so that’s 9.

            I forgot to ask the price but I’m sure he will advise nearer the time.


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