Removing Bonnet L15

Traction Owner’s Club Forums Technical Bodywork & interior Removing Bonnet L15

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  • #26440
    Roger Grix

      I want to remove the bonnet. The last time I did this was a lifetime ago and I have forgotten the details of what I did!

      As I am working on my own and am worried about damaging the paintwork, I thought it would be easier and less risky to remove 1 side at a time.

      I have had a look and it seems that I have to disconnect the 2 support struts at the bulkhead, remove the 2 plates on the joint strip, front and back, and what appears to be a clamping bolt at the front end.

      Can I then slide off the hinge channel and remove the bonnet halves one at a time?

      I just want to be sure, before I start, that I have not missed anything and end up trying to support more parts than I have hands for.




        I woukd not recommend removing the hinge and separating the leaves.  The two end stops (inside the hinge) are to keep the leaves correctly aligned.  They can be fiddly to access and sometimes difficult to reset.

        I sugest:

        Undo the two stay arms by removing the pins at the bonnet end of each .  Make sure the loose stays cannot short out on the battery.

        Remove the slotted screws holding the front and rear hinge end plates.

        Ensure both catches on one side of the bonnet are engaged and place a suitable large piece of cloth on top of that bonnet half.  I usually use a clean blanket.

        Fold the other half of the bonnet on top of the cloth, ensure the cloth protects the halves from touching one another.

        Prepare an area to put the bonnet once removed.

        Stand at the side and release the two catches.

        Take the lower rear handle in one hand and lean over to hold the front end of the hinge with the other hand.

        Lift the bonnet clear taking care to avoid the headlamp and place it in the prepared area.

        Before replacing the bonnet, cover the scuttle and top of the grille with cloth which can be removed once the leaves are nicely aligned then reverse the removal process.

        It is a knack made easy with practice but I can assure you it works equally well for the wider bodied  cars and I have even managed to remove and replace the 6 bonnet alone but the additional length and extra weight make that one much more tricky.


        Roger Grix

          Thanks Bernie,

          That is pretty much as Andrew Galt said to me. I was just worried about dropping something.

          I’ll try to protect everything well and give it a go.

          Bonnet off OK.

          My only problem was where to put it so it has had to go on the lawn for now. When my car is in the garage, there is no room for anything else.



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