Purchasing TOC Spare Parts
Terms and Conditions of Supply
Purchasing TOC parts:
- Parts can only be supplied to TOC members. Members may be asked to provide proof of current membership. The TOC is not obliged to supply non-members.
- Prices shown are accurate at the time of issue of the spares list but may vary slightly, depending on subsequent availability and cost from the supplier. It may be advisable to check current stocks and prices before purchase.
- Where appropriate, costs of packing and carriage will be added to the invoice for the goods. Customers may enquire with their order, the likely costs of these.
- The TOC spares store will attempt to supply customers at the earliest opportunity and in the priority by which orders were received.
- The spares service is run solely by TOC volunteers. Purchasers should not expect ‘next day’ supply or facilities as offered by a professional parts supplier.
- The use of credit cards [Visa and Mastercard] is preferred where final cost and carriage is unclear at the time of order. This can save time with enquiries, replies and dispatch of the order.
- Purchases of up to £50 only may be made with personal cheques. Above this amount, a credit card or other guaranteed form of payment must be used.
- All cheque payments from overseas must paid in Sterling and be drawn through a UK bank. Any transaction charges must be met by the purchaser.
- Cheques must be crossed and made payable to ‘The Traction Owner’s Club Ltd.’
- Accounts should be settled by one month from the date of invoice.
- All purchasers of parts are subject to the appropriate TOC club rules.
- The TOC offers the standard warranty, which purchasers may expect under UK trading laws.
- If ordering by email, please insert “TOC SPARES” in the ‘subject box’, to enable spares orders to be identified from personal email. This will help to process orders faster and more accurately, with less risk of them being lost in ‘junk mail’.
- TOC spares will not be supplied ‘on approval’ free of charge. Any item supplied and later returned to the stores as unwanted will be subject to a handling charge of at least 10% of its list price.
- Items which are supplied as genuine errors by the TOC stores will not be subject to such a surcharge.
- Terms of supply are with ‘errors and omissions excepted’
To purchase exchange units:
TOC member orders part by either:
- Sending [or phoning] a credit card number for the cost of the exchange part [including carriage], with the old part to the spares store. The exchange part is sent to the member.
- If the old part is not already removed from the car, the member sends [or phones] the credit card number to the spares store, with a cheque for £100 [refundable deposit for any item] + self-addressed envelope. When the old part is removed, it is sent to the spares store and a new cheque will be issued to refund the deposit