garage services

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  • #23319
    Non Member

      Hi all,

      although I have been a member for 18 months, for various reasons I have not taken the plunge and bought a car, although I have been fascinated by them since I was a teenager. I have been looking at garage services over the the last year to see who could help with repairs to a possible car, and they seem to be getting less listed? there was John Gillard, on the Old Kent road? he is no longer listed, also a chap on the north Devon coast near Coombe Martin who I can no longer find and last when I first joined, there was someone in Salisbury, perhaps with a workshop in Rockbourne? if anybody has any information I would be grateful, I am based near Bournemouth, not sure which area group I would be in.


      Jeff D.



        No car?  …. No problem!

        As far as services go, you are probably right in that there tend to be fewer people servicing Tractions but those you named are generally still around.

        John Gillard did temporarily cease advertising in FP while he is undergoing relocation from the Old Kent Road to further out to the east of London so he is probably not in the best position (or location) to help you at present.

        I guess the Devon chap would be Mark Harding – he is still operating –

        Further afield from you there is Darrin Brownhill (Citroen Classics) in West London and James Geddes (Traction Repairs) in the far flung reaches of Northumberland – both advertise in FP.

        As for which area you come under, there are no hard and fast boundaries so it is what suits you.  I suppose you could probably go for the South West (Howard Spiers) or  West of England( Terence McAuley) or,  thinking outside the box, …… how about starting a new group in your area …?








          Andrew Galt is the guy near Salisbury  – as you said, Rockbourne. I have spoken to him in the last 6 months so I assume he is still doing his thing. He is always busy and does a very good job.




            Thanks for adding Andrew – I understand he has been heavily involved in getting my old Legere back on the road for the new owner who is pleased with the work done.


            Patrick Russell-Jones


              Andrew would be nearest to you. If you look very hard you will find his details on the TOC website but you will need to find it through the website Site Map! You have illustrated a point I have made several times to the club about links in the new website and the absence of the old (and very useful) services directory. If you give us your email address I’ll send you a private message.



                I can send mobile and address if not already received.

                Non Member

                  Thank you for your replies, I did find Andrew Galts’ phone number in the way you suggested Patrick.

                  Jeff D

                  Bertel Bjorvik


                    Here are Mark Harding’s Facebook page . He used  to have a web site but it is not working. He is based at Sunnyside Farm Parracome Devon EX31 4QJ. He fixed my fuel pump a month ago.

                    Cheers Bertel

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