Myford Lathe

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  • #26488
    Roger Grix

      A bit off topic but some time ago I bought an old Myford lathe on eBay.

      I am trying to identify the model (no label anywhere) so that I can get some basic information. I am no turner but a machine to make up odd spacers, bushes etc. would be useful.

      Do we have any members with the knowledge that I lack? (Well, to fill one of the many holes in my knowledge anyway).



      Patrick Russell-Jones

        Hi Roger

        Have you tried emailing this chap who seems knowledgeable on the subject?


        Roger Grix

          Thanks Patrick.

          I actually emailed him when I bought the lathe which was (where does the time go?) 3 years ago. I did not get a reply and the project went on the back burner for various reasons.

          I emailed him again yesterday in case my original mail did not get through. I reduced the size of the photos in case my original mail was blocked for being too big.

          I’ll see if I get a response this time.

          Roger Grix

            I have heard back from Tony Griffiths and I now know that I am the proud owner of an ML4, probably built in the 1940’s.

            This is a good step in the right direction and makes it a good workshop companion for a Traction.


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