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      Greetings from the sunny Loire valley πŸ™‚ Okay, not entirely truefull about the sunshine today, but I’m dreaming of warmer times ahead.

      The bride et moi have had our Traction for 18 years now and bought him for holidaying in France, which is where Andre has done the vast majority of his driving in our guardianship. We have now moved to France after years of practicing and are looking forward to much more old car driving on the wonderfully quiet roads.

      Next car projects will be to get Andre registered with French plates again and then get the HY up together. More news as it comes.

      All the best and chat soon.




        Tractions do really like French roads as we found out when at the 80th in La Ferte Vidame πŸ˜€

        When does the weather get reasonably warm where you are Bill i.e 15c+ (typical English summer for us πŸ˜† )


          Bonjour OSL,

          I’m hoping for a very mild winter like last year, when we only had frost for two days in February. So far the signs are good and we’re managing to get on with outside winter maintenance! March should see us well into double figures and the shorts will be out by April, while July and August will be in the 30s 😎

          At the end of July, we close the streets and race pre-war cars and bikes round the village and generally have a lot of fun. Roll on summer!

          Hope you get over here again in the summer and do pop in if you find yourself near Saumur.

          All the best and Happy New Year,



            Hi Bill
            great to have you on here and another project on the go. Great website by the way and a perfect stop off for us when we travel north, specially if we are in the “older” cars. I did buy a Citroen Dyane from Avranches late last year and drove through the night, very lonely.

            Very interested in the HY Van. As a cycling company that was the first vehicle we were searching for for our marketing (bit of a copy cat to Rapha who supply the Sky team with their kit). But when I looked over a few I was a little overwhelmed with the amount of work, so opted for the smaller brother, the 2CV Fougonnette and was so lucky to find a fine example in Pau. But that is what start all of this and now I have the Traction and a few others. Lucky I have the time in the winter to do all of this… thank goodness for the French lifestyle πŸ™‚

            When ever your down this way, drop in.



              Hi Ian,

              It’s good to be here and thanks for your kind words regarding our website. Yours tells me that you seem to have a pretty exciting time of it and I see that you have many more hills than here in the Loire, which makes cycling rather more of a challenge. We are however, still listed on http://www.freewheelingfrance.com and as the name suggests, cater for the softie, rather than ironman cycling types!

              We got the HY from a Traction owner and it’s in restoration a little south of us, although progress has been painfully slow. Like you, we intend to use Nellie (she’s grey and wrinkly, like her namesake popularised by that song) as a marketing tool and for usefully collecting wine from one of the dozens of local vineyards. The good news is that I’ve now got all the spares needed to complete her and hope the restorer can be re-incentivised pretty soon.

              I read the start of your rebuild story and love the bit about getting it back to your neighbour, who promptly asked you to take it to the dump, or keep it. Sounds as if he had a simple plan, which has turned out rather interesting for you. Well done and I look forward to reading the rest of the story.

              Keep enjoying the rather lovely French lifestyle. It is very good for you. Looking forward to meeting you let us know if you should be making the trip past our way, with or even without an older car.

              Bill πŸ™‚

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