Car cover

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  • #28501
    Dave Thornley

      Have decided to get a car cover for in garage storage, garage gets rather dusty at times. So far have only found Specialised Covers who list a Traction.

      Others only list the 2CV are there any others out there or does anyone have a Specialised cover?



        I used to have one from Hamilton Classics. In fact I have had several from them for several cars. This was quite good and lasted a few years before it started tearing. It’s the bumpers that do it. It must have been 10 years old when it finally gave up. Since they used to do one for the Traction maybe they still can if you ask nicely?

        I recently bought a cover from CarCoversFactory – not for the Traction which they also do not list. But their cover is ok too.

        I like the idea of the printed cover that Specialised offer – not the price though. You can have a full size photo of a car printed on the cover. I think it is only for the indoor cover though.



          Just spotted this ….

          Wherever you buy, ensure you specify the car model/size precisely.  I bought mine in the UK (so long ago I can’t now remember where, sorry) and although it was supposed to be tailored for a Légère it was clearly much too big.

          I wouldn’t normally change the car to suit the cover but, now I have the 15/6 it is a perfect fit!



          Dave Thornley

            Have ordered one from Richbrook, who are quite local and at a reasonable £99

            I am not bothered about colours or if it has piping etc etc.

            It only has to keep dust away, hopefully it will manage this.

            Dave Thornley

              Received Richbrook one and looks decent enough. Fits fine, nice and stretchy, for £99 very satisfied.

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