Chris Treagust – Traction Spares

Traction Owner’s Club Forums General discussions Chris Treagust – Traction Spares

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  • #24588
    Norman Anderson

      Anybody know what’s happened to Chris?

      All emails seem to go completely unanswered (since December of last year). The phone is also unanswered, doesn’t even go to voicemail.

      Having to get my spares from Europe at the moment, which isn’t normally a problem unless it’s small low value items.

      Thanks, Norman

      Richard Larter

        Hi Norman

        I am having a similar problem and desperate to get my car on the road. I did get a reply to an email saying he was in Australia until the 12th and would be in touch but nothing since then. How easy is to get parts from Europe?



        David Faulkner

          Normally easy to get bits Richard arriving in around 3 days, but I have been waiting for a package from Belgium that should have arrived last Wednesday but got caught up in the French Customs dispute… Should hopefully be here tomorrow.

          One downside to be aware of is that some of the suppliers have a minimum postage/handling charge of between 20 and 25 euro even if you only want a small item, plus a couple are still adding a 3% credit card surcharge even though the EU banned it last January.

          Norman Anderson

            Hi Richard, I’ve pretty much given up with trying to get spares from the Traction Owners Club.

            I’m mostly using Franssen. They have a good website, and for most parts, their prices are ok. CTA are also good. It pays to check their prices. Delivery times from both are very good.

            I don’t know what the problem is with the Traction Owners Club spares set up. I guess Chris does it as an unpaid volunteer? So just does it as and when he has time?

            Turning point for me was asking for a gearbox to engine gasket. I was sent a gearbox gasket set, which wasn’t what I asked for and doesn’t include a gearbox to engine gasket. Only to be told no such thing exists! I sent the set back. After months and countless unanswered emails, I’ve still been unable to locate the refund. I know it’s a minor issue, but it would have been so easy to tell me that the gasket I was after doesn’t exist, and to make a timely refund or answer the emails!

            Richard Larter

              Hi Norman

              I assume Chris is a volunteer and I always try to be patient but member’s funds are tied up in a stock of spares which we need to keep our cars on the road, perhaps the position could be shared. I spent some time on the Internet last night and managed to get most of what I needed, Franssen has a good site but doesn’t do brake seals so I used PAT2, time will tell if they are ok. Postage was expensive at £14.00 for brake seals and gaskets. Still hope to get tyres from TOC Spares.




                I am very pleased to advise one and all that Chris Treagust has now returned from his trip.

                It appears that the Spares’ ‘phone/fax machine objected to being left alone and threw a fit causing it to cease accepting any calls.  That has been corrected and I am assured the full “Normal Service” to which we have become accustomed will resume as soon as Chris has finished working his way through the many messages received before the ‘phone went on strike.

                In the meantime, please be aware that there are likely to be other unavoidable disruptions in the next day or so due to tree work in the area which will necessitate the supplier, SEB, switching off all power to Chris and several other homes at various times.

                And in reply to the last post from Richard – Yes, Chris is a Volunteer and rarely takes holidays so this break was more than deserved.


                Norman Anderson

                  Hi Richard,

                  If it’s brakes you are doing, I used Past Parts in Bury St Edmunds to stainless sleeve the master cylinder and slave cylinders. They nickel plated the bodies and supplied the seals. The work was done beautifully. 01284 750729.

                  Good luck with the work you are doing.


                  Norman Anderson

                    Hi Bernie,

                    thanks for the update.

                    I hate to speak ill of a service that’s run by a volunteer. But it simply isn’t working. And here’s why. If I look back at email threads, they take around a week (often longer, or not at all) for a response. Sometimes the answer is vague i.e. ‘Top hose K 1A £10.98 but out of stock there could be a rise as need to order.’ OK can we get it in and how long will it take? A week later, a chaser email is sent as I have no answer. In this time, the parts could have been ordered from France and would be here.

                    If you are working on a car during your days off, you need a reasonable turnaround time on queries and on orders.

                    Is it not time to put this on a reasonable business footing or simply to sub the business out to an organisation that will be accountable to the club and it’s membership?

                    David Faulkner

                      Bernie, I sent Chris an e mail on the 2nd ordering some bits, he replied on the 3rd saying being posted though they were in the middle of stocktaking and invoice would be delayed. They arrived on the 4th so no complaints from me about service which is faster than from the EU especially when they get stuck for a week due to a French customs strike……

                      Still awaiting the invoice from Chris to pay, though it will arrive when things settle down.

                      Norman Anderson

                        Perhaps I should have said ‘But it simply isn’t working for me’.

                        Really don’t understand what’s going on. Perhaps my expectation is simply unreasonable. But I think to wait a week for a reply to a courteous, simple request (with a polite chaser) is frustrating (never mind actually getting the spares).

                        It’s a pity, as I’m sure the club has lots of spares that I can use. I would much rather source them here in the UK, via the club. But I can’t operate like this.

                        Patrick Russell-Jones


                          I think you should take this up with Bernie offline, it’s not appropriate to a general discussion thread here and reads like a personal attack on Chris. Bernie might have added in his background note that Chris works part time on TOC spares. As to putting this out to a business to run that would be pretty much the same as ordering from CTA, Franssen or Renel which is available to you now.


                          Norman Anderson

                            Hi Patrick, it’s not intended in any way to be an attack on Chris. I commend anyone who gives up their time for free, for the benefit of others. And that wholeheartedly includes Chris (and anyone else involved with the club spares facilty).

                            All I’m saying is the spares setup simply isn’t working for me (although it has worked in the past). If it works for others, then that’s great.

                            I’ll leave it there and will endeavour to source spares from Mark, John, CTA, Franssen and ebay. C’est la vie.



                              Thank you for all your input.

                              My circumstances mean I am personally unable to attend Committee meetings – at least for the time being – but I shall draw this discussion to the attention of the Committee for when they next meet – probably in June.


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