Thanks for all of your contributions, the above edition has now gone to press. Due to space pressures, one or two of you will note that your items/ letters, etc. have not found their way in, but rest assured, we will have a catch-up in the March/April Floating Power. Deadline for the next magazine will be February 14th, 2018.
The January edition will have some interesting technical stuff to read. The first of a two part article on gearbox failures and what to note when carrying out an overhaul, a piece on Silentblocs, more on ball joints and something on the use of Speedisleeves.
Keep your pictures and notes coming in regarding any other classic/vintage cars you have in your garage. I will probably run this again in future magazines, since it seems that there are some interesting ‘other’ cars out there amongst the membership. I am also looking out for articles on clutch replacement and anything on engine overhauls, if anyone fancies contributing.