Newish Returning Member

Traction Owner’s Club Forums General discussions Newish Returning Member

  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Dick Nyquist.
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  • #25874
    Richard Moore

      Newish returning because I was originally a member back in the late 90s but got diverted into Porsche ownership when I was in the UK so never got a TA. I’m now older, wiser and retirement (to France from California) is just around the corner so a TA seems rather more appropriate.

      I have rejoined as I really should get up to date and learn a bit more about TA ownership before taking the plunge. I live in Novato, Marin County which is best described as the bit just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.  And in case you’re thinking of sunshine and blue skies – at this present moment it’s raining like a wet Monday in Manchester.

      I have actually seen a TA right where I live which was something of a surprise. I gave chase Wacky Races style but it managed to elude me at some lights and I’ve not seen it since.

      I’m now pondering (still a couple of years off) where to buy a TA. I could wait until we’re in France so can investigate the market there . Perhaps the UK where I’m guessing LHD cars are generally cheaper ??  Or perhaps look here where the California weather (today not withstanding) should mean the bodywork is likely to be in much better shape but I’d have a much more restricted choice (and the bill for eventual shipment).

      Any thoughts very welcome


      Roger Grix

        Hi Richard,

        Welcome back.

        A good starting place is the Buyers Guide listed under “Model Guide” on the website.

        You can also access past copies of the magazine and browsing the adverts should give you a good idea of what you can expect to pay. Past articles will also give you a good idea of what to look out for.

        As regards what relative costs are in France, maybe Bob Street (ex editor of FP) could give some advice. He is now full time in France.

        Where in France are you thinking of? Or have you not got that far yet?




          In my experience, the best place to buy a LHD car is France.  <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> LHD prices are not particularly low in the UK </span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>and, </span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>in France, the choice is far greater.</span>

          There is a plethora of magazines and websites to view but I think th<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>e weekly publication “La Vie de L’Auto” is particularly good.  It has an excellent number of ads, many with photos, and the rest of the magazine is full of interesting articles.</span>

          <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> Like you, I am not in France so I do not get the mag regularly but tend to consult their website for current ads.  It is very user friendly with </span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>a wide selection of  vehicles and yo</span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>u can tailor your search to only show vehicles specific to your choice of model, location etc.</span>

          Hope this helps,



            Sorry about the gibberish punctuating the above message but it appears to be a function of the device I am using and  outside my control.



              Welcome back Richard,

              There are a few TOC members on the west coast – nearest one may be the owner of a blue Light 15 in Healdsburg which is not too far away from you – contact John ( if you would like the contact details – he may ask the member first.  There are a few others further away.

              We used to live near you a long time ago and shipped a car (not a Traction) back which cost us about $3500 back in 2004. We avoided any question of paying tax on it because I had owned it for over a year. That’s not to say you would have to pay tax if you imported one that you had just bought, but there would be more strings attached as it would not be obvious you are not going to sell it immediately. It took a few weeks to get here and I wasn’t sure what state it would be in when it arrived – but actually it was fine.  There are a fair few – but not that many –  TAs in the states – both Slough and French. They’ve almost all come from somewhere else because not many were sold there in the first place, so whilst they are having an easy time in the California sun now they may not have done in their earlier life. I mention this so you can factor that in to your thoughts. I would expect to get a better choice in Europe and, as Bernie says, France would provide the best selection of LHD cars.

              We have a number of ex-pat TOC members in France – again, John could put you in touch.

              Have a look at the buyers guide – you’ll see your choices are:

              • Big boot (1952 on) or small boot (up to ’52)
              • Slough (probably RHD, chrome, leather, 12V, sunroof) or Paris (probably LHD, austerity spec, 6V)
              • Wide body (Normale /Big 15) or narrow (Legere / Light 15). The wide body has more room, including more rear legroom and is easier to work on. The narrow body is prettier.

              It gets more complicated and there is less to choose from if you go for pre-war (which includes roadsters) or the even longer Commerciale / Familiale or the 6 cylinder cars.


              Richard Moore

                Hi guys – thanks for all the advice. I’ve just got back from a week in the UK. Good to see that the weather hasn’t improved. It was sunny on Christmas Day when we arrived after our 11hr flight. And sunny when I had to drive from Chester back to London. Some things don’t change. Roadworks on the M6 being one of them.

                But onto other matters. Looks like I should be investigating the french market for a TA. Can’t help thinking buying here and shipping may not be the best use of my money. That and the bigger choice back in Europe.  Talking of which I’d rather like a petite and slim hipped Light 15 (so not like me) with a small boot if possible. Not asking much. Upgraded electrics would be nice. Don’t think I’ll have the budget for a roadster 🙂

                A trip to Healdsburg would be nice – good place for Sunday trip out. Will contact John to see if he can put me in touch with anyone local to me. It would be good to get to see one again. Been a while.

                Oh and as to where we are looking to move. Down the Loire Valley toward Nantes but not sure how far south we’d go. Me – I’d head towards Bordeaux but others have other ideas. We’re a couple of years off so for now I’m trying to find out more about the cars and ownership.

                I’m back in the UK in February so please lay on some good weather 🙂

                <No mention of Brexit>

                Dick Nyquist

                  Hello Richard Moore

                  I’m a new member of the Traction Owner’s Club.  I’m in Sonoma county California and know other traction owners in the San Francisco bay area (including in Marin).  At this time I have a “light 15” here in Santa Rosa as well as a TA11BL in France. In the last few years I’ve had others as well.  If you want to talk you can reach me directly on my cell phone at (707)738-5462 or email at PS: the blue light 15 is no longer in Healdsburg. It’s in Santa Rosa.

                  Richard Nyquist


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