TA in Market Rd, Islington London

Traction Owner’s Club Forums General discussions TA in Market Rd, Islington London

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by David Faulkner.
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  • #23363
    Bertel Bjorvik

      I was driving this afternoon doing some local shopping and passed this car, a Maroon 1954 TA reg 674UXR and LHD. Same colour and year as mine Light 15. It was parked outside the sport centre in Market Rd, Islington. What are the chances of two Maroon 1954 TA being parked in the same road? Is the car owner member of TOC?

      Cheers Bertel

      Market Rd Islington



        Yes, it is a member’s car.  As for the “odds” I believe we have about 25 “Maroon” cars in the TOC and 5 of those are 1954 and, I think unsurprisingly, nearly all are RHD models.



        Bertel Bjorvik

          Hi Bernie,

          Many thanks for your information. Interesting that there so many Maroon TA around and RHD. Most of the cars I’ve seen are black.

          Cheers Bertel


            ……. I should have mentioned that, of those 25 maroon cars, only 5 are French built.

            Assuming the current colours are generally as original, the predominance of colour in Slough-built cars would seem to confirm the theory that, back in the day, the sort of person buying a new Traction in the UK probably wanted – and could afford – to be different.  On the other side of the channel the Traction was very popular across the board and was the choice of all walks of life and income brackets and was probably more often bought as a necessity rather than a status symbol.


            David Faulkner

              Assuming the current colours are generally as original, the predominance of colour in Slough-built cars would seem to confirm the theory that, back in the day, the sort of person buying a new Traction in the UK probably wanted – and could afford – to be different

              Or someone at Citroen simply bought a 50 gallon drum of Maroon from ICI factory down the road and used it on everything…. 🙂

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