Tracing original number plate to region/ town

Traction Owner’s Club Forums General discussions Tracing original number plate to region/ town

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  • #22721
    Non Member

      Hi All,

      i have tried to the point of frustration to trace the original plates that were in the boot of my car 393-AG79 on a 1953 11B Normale with the help of Google

      Any ideas about my best course of action?

      Regards, Bill



        Hi Bill,

        According to Wikipedia the French were using the FNI system from 1950 to 2009 – which means the car would be registered in the department it lived in.

        The format would be 123 AB 12 – where the last 2 letters were the department code.

        79 refers to the Deux-Sevres department which is on the western side of France about half way down


        Roger Grix

          Hi Bill,

          At that stage, when a car changed départments, it’s registration number changed to reflect the new département so it could have started out anywhere.

          Now, when a car changes hands or département, it has to be re-registered with one of the new style plates. I don’t know if this applies to Véhicules de Collection.

          If you could find a fonctionnaire in Deux-Sèvres, who was interested, I expect that the information is “in the system”.  Napoleon decreed that everything had to be recorded.  However that would require him/her to be interested enough to work outside their job definition and that is unlikely (unless you can find one who is a tractioniste).

          Bonne chance


          Roger Grix

            Hi again Bill,

            Are you in France? Do you have any documentation linking your car to that number?

            If so, you can do a search on a number plate at the préfecture to determine the status of the vehicle. It may still be in the system.  I can’t remember exactly what information it gives you but, if I remember correctly, it tells you if there is any outstanding finance and other things and may give you a previous owner.


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